FFXIV Bot - - Scripting tweaks, bugfixes

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FFXIV Bot - - Scripting tweaks, bugfixes

#1 Post by PitViper »

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes =========
September 18, 2023 MMOViperBot Version
All Bots:
- Tweak: Tweaked the scripting API Type Phrase task. It should now work in the background for games that support it.
- Added: Scripting API: IInput:PastePhrase - Phrase is copied to clipbard and pasted into game
- Added: Scripting API: IWIndowManager:SendCommand(window name, params)
- Bugfix: Fixed a crash bug when closing the secondary window

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Bot:
- Tweak: Modified how collectables work when harvesting. It will now use the collectable keys before harvesting if set.
- Added: Scriptin API: IPlayer.isCrafting - Returns true if player is actively crafting

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