MMOViper LOTRO Bot Patch Update 11

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MMOViper LOTRO Bot Patch Update 11

#1 Post by PitViper »

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes =========
<B>May 13, 2013 MMOViperBot Version</B>

- Bugfix: Fixed AGAIN the rez points

- Upated for patch 11

Let me know if anything is amiss with this patch. A LOT changed, and I might have missed something.
Also the beginnings of the scripting interface is included in this patch. So hopefully
plugins like vendoring, etc will soon follow!

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Re: MMOViper LOTRO Bot Patch Update 11

#2 Post by zarakustra »


A startup error occurred.
Файл 'MMOViperBot.resources' не найден.

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Re: MMOViper LOTRO Bot Patch Update 11

#3 Post by zarakustra »

this version of the bot on rus servers is not working. Why would you have done so you can not run the old version, it worked perfectly, no one complained.

translated Google.

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Re: MMOViper LOTRO Bot Patch Update 11

#4 Post by PitViper »

the us servers updated. When do the rus servers update?

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Re: MMOViper LOTRO Bot Patch Update 11

#5 Post by zarakustra »

make so that you can access it and the previous version of the bot, because your clients are not only America but also in other countries, and not all games can be updated in the same-day or even month as in the states. and the money we paid you on the fair regardless of the place of residence of the countries also want the bot he borrowed. If the bot initially did not work, then I would not buy it, and would not be writing here. But now the bot stopped working because it's not your revision with an update. Before running the new version worked fine, but you forced me to update the bot and now I'm considered lost money. Ispravte please.

translated by Google.

сделайте так чтоб можно было пользоваться и предыдущей версией бота, ведь ваши клиенты не только с америки но и с других стран и не у всех бывает обновление игры в тот-же день или даже месяц как и в штатах. а деньги мы вам заплатили по честному не взирая на место проживания странами, хочется тоже ботом попользоваться. Если бы бот изначально не работал, то я бы не покупал его и не писал бы тут. Но бот сейчас перестал работать потому что это ваша не доработка с обновлением. Пред идущая версия прекрасно работала, но вы заставили меня обновить бота и теперь я считается потерял деньги. Исправте пожалуйста.

переведено гуглом.

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Re: MMOViper LOTRO Bot Patch Update 11

#6 Post by PitViper »

I'll see what I can do. I'll try to get the old version out, but I need to make a few changes to make it work. Might take a day or so to get all of the modifications working to split the client in to 2 different versions.

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Re: MMOViper LOTRO Bot Patch Update 11

#7 Post by lazlo1 »

I saw this after leaving a post in the lotro forum. Hopefully it can be sorted out :)

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