Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#106 Post by otome »

is there a away to auto repair weapons? when lets say you die and respawna t cam?

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#107 Post by PitViper »

I will be adding a "after death" patrol option that should allow for this. Right now, its not easy to do.

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#108 Post by mas55 »


1. Being able to kite enemies
2. Allowing the cat of a summoner to agro the mobs before you
3. Auto Respawn when you die?
4. And the bot being able to return to where it was after you die
Thanks :)

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#109 Post by PitViper »

1. Noted.

2. Can be done. Add start fight hotkey that presses TAB with casting time of say 2 or 3 seconds, etc to give time to get aggro.

3. It is supposed to do this already. Whats not working?

4. It will follow the green nav lines when it rezzes back to the patrol area. Just add some green nav lines and connect it to where you are botting (patrol/navigation tab)

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#110 Post by onlinegamer1102 »

Hm I went through 8 pages and I'm surprised no one bother to ask for a better loot option. I suggest there be an option to choose the colour of loot you want (ie. green+blues, ignore all whites).

Right now the bot is looting all the white items. Most white items do not stack which takes so much space in your inventory and gets it filled too quickly. This is a waste of valuable space which can be used to pick up more items.

So bascially no whites=more loot=more gold for grinding.

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#111 Post by quergedanke »

I really like this lotro bot so far. But why I really paid for this bot is that I wanted a simple solution to automate a combat rotation, in best case one that detects fevor points for my Champion. No targeting, no movement, just doing a very good amount of damage. Since I've got just one arm this really would make playing much easier and I maybe could join instances, etc. I tried a Patrol with the tasks 1. Pause 1000 2. Goto task Number: 1, but every fifth mob the bot doesn't fight and tells me in the log that the target was not valid. That's really annoying and I was really disappointed.
Maybe anyone reading this andhaving an alternative to viperbot that matches my needs, feel free to contact me.

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#112 Post by PitViper »

It should not be saying a target is invalid. Should make a thread in the viper lotro forum for help and post a log.

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#113 Post by aekicker »


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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#114 Post by oceankenzz »

i wish bot is able to kite and pull the mobs at least 5... very important in the game

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#115 Post by PitViper »

No kiting abilities yet, sorry. Its on my todo list.

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#116 Post by gentlegenocide »

64 bit please

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#117 Post by PitViper »

64 bits are coming... but not this week.

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#118 Post by otome »

Would be great if you could add an Edit function to the bot so it can be easyer to Edit Combat files insted of having to make new ones

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#119 Post by vodkadoe »

Clientless botting. :P

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Re: Special Feature of 3.0 (Poll)

#120 Post by PitViper »

Wont ever happen with viper, sorry.

@otome, yea I know. I need to overhaul it, but when it do it will break ALL existing profiles. Sooner or later I will and convert it to xml so they can be edited and shared easier.

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