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Thank you ViperBot!

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:26 pm
by danielhero
On a whim last night, I decided to search for bots, and after some researching and cautious selection, I found the ViperBot for AION. Decided to toss care to the wind, and finally give bot'ing a try. I had researched various bots before, on various different MMOs, and failed multiple times...but never actually paid for the services. However, over time... I found you truly only get what you pay for on these types of things.

This program so far has been very easy to setup and use. The videos posted on youtube are great, and easy to follow. They were a vastly great tool in helping me mud through the various options, and get used to them. Haha... The fellas accent on the videos at times is kinda funny. Who is he? Where is he from?

This program seems to still be evolving, much like the actual game itself is. But this tool seems extremely valuable to my play. Thank you very much for this great program! It's great!