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Neverwinter Bot showing off video and radar

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 7:48 am
by PitViper
Here is a video showing off what the bot can do.

Neverwinter Bot Video

Currently the bot will fight, hunt, level, patrol, kill, loot, rest, resurrect, and camp.

What is great about the viper bot for neverwinter, is that its fully customizable. You tell it exactly where, how, and what to fight. And the bot does the rest. It never gets tired!

Setup only takes a few minutes, and you are up and running. Some of the settings that are customizable are the attack keys. You get to define exactly how you want it to spam the attacks. Maybe you want to use chill and then entangle, or maybe you just are fine with Magic Missle.. the choice is yours.

Tired of running old fashioned bots that read pixels on the screen.. nope not here. This is a full memory based bot. With very little down time due to patches.

Whew is that a mouthful. We have lots more features planned, so stay tuned.

The Viper team has been around for years. Dont guy cheap imitation bots that come and go with the tide. Join our friendly community of like minded botters and see how our neverwinter bots can help you1

Re: Neverwinter Bot showing off video and radar

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 2:48 pm
by se7enthsin
Great work as always my friend!

I have yet to personally test our nwo bot, it's on my next to do list after i figure out what is going on with my tera account.

I have a trickster rogue on nw btw. :D

Hey most of their setups are already generic, how is the profile sharing coming along?