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MMOViperBot Released for SWTOR - StarWars Republic

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:21 pm
by PitViper
Yes, we had it first, (as always).

Its really buggy, its not all that great at the moment, but I present to you:

SWTOR - Star Wars - The Old Republic ..... ViperBot.

Included in this beta release of the bot:

1. Early version of the radar
2. Early version of a patrol bot
3. Hotkeys, name of mobs to fight, companion/pets.

I dont know if I got all of the defaults included, so if you experience anything querky, check your settings in game, and in the bot.

All I remember so far, is you need to turn on Enemy Name templates, and auto loot all, and area loot.

Please post on the forums and let us know what works/doesnt.

I only tested with melee chars, I'll get around to ranged in a day or so.

Oh, and tell all your friends you found the bot HERE first!!!