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FFXIV Bot Flying Tweaks, Collecting Fixes

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:28 am
by PitViper
All Bots:
- Added: Hotkey Option: Move To Mob. This will force the bot to move up to the mob if the hotkey is out of range (defined by min/max range)
- Bugfix: Task Run Patrol backwards, will now run waypoints backwards.

- Bugfix: Fixed MP offset

- Tweak: Tweaked flying, will now try to fly when stuck if jumping fails.
- Bugfix: Fixed random issue where gathering window was still open and bot would hang forever
- Bugfix: Fixed random issue where a mob in LOS/INV would still try to attack forever in loop
- Bugfix: Fixed broken offsets

November 10, 2015 MMOViperBot Version

If you notice anything still broke, please let me know asap.