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Re: Archeage

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:15 am
by cook80
Will they include a built in hwid/mac spoofer? I would buy it just for that similar to what Abuddy uses. They pretty much shut out everyone by taking away paypal and most major cc block payments to them -.-;;

Re: Archeage

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:21 am
by PitViper
I have no plans to add any of that into the bot at this time.

Re: Archeage

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:02 pm
by fajar224
Thanks for all your hard work on this.

I am just checking in to let you know that I'm still interested in this.

Re: Archeage

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 8:40 pm
by littleguykoyo
Same here. Haven't dropped by in a few weeks since you said you where having driver issues, so I figured I'd see how things are going. I hope everything is coming along smoothly and some type of beta can be released soon! Looking forward to it. ^_^

Re: Archeage

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 7:24 pm
by gentacomp
I know Im the one that eager to have this bot created.

Well thats not the real problem, the real problem is : TRION

Good game, bad publisher.
Patron for special queue, but server status never high again this weekend means all the servers almost empty AND they cant be merged since it would be land (farm/houses) problems.
All of my friends back to WOW and GW2, really disapointed.

Sorry just a little whining :(

Re: Archeage

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:38 pm
by littleguykoyo
In all honesty, I'm just hoping for 2 things from viper with AA bot - Auto trade pack runs (with donkey or farm cart preferably) and multboxing abilities. If vipers driver can get past hackshield and allow for multiclients I bet viper would be getting at minimum 1000+ customers just from multiclient abilities...once word spread about it.

But if it's only for pathing and farming, I guess I can farm coin purses nonstop ^_^

For those of you who can't seem to win any land @ demolition

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:58 am
by fajar224
While waiting for this bot, this has helped me;)

The short and sweet:
Download and install Autohotkey (language)
Ctrl+Alt+G - gets it started,
Immediately press the Pause key (toggle)
When you have it positioned, press the Pause key again.
(only works with (1680 x 1050) or (1920 x 1080) can work for any resolution you just need to change a few variables!

Code: Select all

;   AA Land Macro clicks VERY fast where you want to place your property design.
;   It actively seeks for the pop up box and then clicks the build button (provided you have the taxes available)

;   Macro keys:

;   Ctrl+Alt+g     Starts Clicking/searching
;   Pause           Pauses (best to start it and use pause as toggle)

;You need to install autohotkey to run the script.  

;If you run windows 8 it has to be run as admin for the script to work

;It only works in 1680 x 1050 or 1920 x 1080 (this is because of the default location of the box to click. It's different for each resolution)
;This can easly work for any resolution, but I only had the 2 available 

;Double click to start it.

;Use notepad ++ or notepad to edit or view the script. nothing dangerous here

;There is a taskbar icon that's green when its loaded and red when its paused.


#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.



     #MaxThreadsperHotkey 2
	 SetNumLockState, on
	 SetTitleMatchMode, 2     
     Title = AA Land Macro (%A_ScreenWidth% x %A_ScreenHeight%)    
	 colorID = 0x8DBFDB	 
     Gosub, GameCheck
     Gosub, Resolution

     IfWinExist, - ArcheAge
         Sleep 500		 
		 Sleep 500		 
         MsgBox, 64, %Title%, Please start ArcheAge!
		 WinWait, - ArcheAge

     WinActivate - ArcheAge         
		 If (A_ScreenWidth = 1680 && A_ScreenHeight = 1050)
	         Resolution_type = 1
			 xbuild = 800
		     ybuild = 750
		     xbuild_box_1 = 760
	         ybuild_box_1 = 738
		     xbuild_box_2 = 838
		     ybuild_box_2 = 763
             ;MsgBox, 64, %Title%, 1680 x 1050 Resolution Detected., 1 
         If (A_ScreenWidth = 1920 && A_ScreenHeight = 1080)
		     Resolution_type = 2
			 xbuild = 919             
		     ybuild = 764             
		     xbuild_box_1 = 880
	         ybuild_box_1 = 752
		     xbuild_box_2 = 957
		     ybuild_box_2 = 778			 			 
	         ;MsgBox, 64, %Title%, 1920 x 1080 Resolution Detected., 1 
	     If (A_ScreenWidth <> 1680 && A_ScreenWidth <> 1920)
	         MsgBox, 16, %Title%, Resolution not supported!, 2

	 WinActivate - ArcheAge
	 MouseGetPos, xclick, yclick
     MouseClick, left, %xclick%, %yclick%,30, 50
		 ;EndTime := A_TickCount
		 ;GrabberRunTime := Ceil((EndTime - StartTime)/1000)	
		 ;if GrabberRunTime >= %Run_Seconds%		
		 PixelSearch, xbuild_find, ybuild_find, %xbuild_box_1%, %ybuild_box_1%, %xbuild_box_2%, %ybuild_box_2%, %colorID%, 5, Fast
		     if ErrorLevel   
			     MouseClick, left, %xclick%, %yclick%, 10
				     Loop 20
				         MouseClick, left, %xbuild%, %ybuild%
                         Sleep 150
	                 Send ^!p
^!p::Pause, Toggle     
	 WinActivate - ArcheAge
	 MouseGetPos, xclick, yclick
     MouseClick, left, %xclick%, %yclick%,30, 50     	 		    
	 Send ^!p

Re: Archeage

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:12 am
by se7enthsin
@fajar224, Is this your script or are you sourcing it from someone else?

Re: Archeage

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:37 pm
by fajar224
It's all mine. The first version of this script was set up on a timer, but it proved to clunky if someone bumped my character. There are a few lines still commented out that I missed when cleaning it up for just a simple macro. I can say that this gives a huge advantage to when competing for land.

Here is the version I trimmed down. This one keeps your character standing near the building ready place the design at the demo time. There are some issues with it that need to be re-worked:

1) The toon just stands there in one place using mouse clicks to anti-afk until demo time (looks like a bot)
2) The toon will continue to click/search for 12 minutes after demo time. (sometimes people are not around to attack and speed up the demo process)

On the upside you can set this up as a failsafe for those 4am demos that you might oversleep for.

Autohotkey is the language just like the one above.

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

FormatSeconds(NumberOfSeconds)  ; Convert the specified number of seconds to hh:mm:ss format.
     time = 19990101  ; *Midnight* of an arbitrary date.
     time += %NumberOfSeconds%, seconds
     FormatTime, mmss, %time%, mm:ss
     SetFormat, float, 2.0
     return NumberOfSeconds//3600 ":" mmss  ; This method is used to support more than 24 hours worth of sections.


     #MaxThreadsperHotkey 2
	 SetNumLockState, on
	 SetTitleMatchMode, 2     
     Title = AA Utility (%A_ScreenWidth% x %A_ScreenHeight%)
     Run_Minutes = 12	                       ; # of minutes to click after demolition time
	 Run_Seconds := Ceil(Run_Minutes * 60)
	 colorID = 0x8DBFDB	 
     Gosub, GameCheck
     Gosub, Resolution
	 Goto Input


     IfWinExist, - ArcheAge
         Sleep 500		 
		 Sleep 500		 
         MsgBox, 64, %Title%, %Title% will resume when ArcheAge is started.
		 WinWait, - ArcheAge

     WinActivate - ArcheAge         
		 If (A_ScreenWidth = 1680 && A_ScreenHeight = 1050)
	         Resolution_type = 1
			 xbuild = 800
		     ybuild = 750
		     xbuild_box_1 = 760
	         ybuild_box_1 = 738
		     xbuild_box_2 = 838
		     ybuild_box_2 = 763
             ;MsgBox, 64, %Title%, 1680 x 1050 Resolution Detected., 1 
         If (A_ScreenWidth = 1920 && A_ScreenHeight = 1080)
		     Resolution_type = 2
			 xbuild = 919             
		     ybuild = 764             
		     xbuild_box_1 = 880
	         ybuild_box_1 = 752
		     xbuild_box_2 = 957
		     ybuild_box_2 = 778			 			 
	         ;MsgBox, 64, %Title%, 1920 x 1080 Resolution Detected., 1 
	     If (A_ScreenWidth <> 1680 && A_ScreenWidth <> 1920)
	         MsgBox, 16, %Title%, Resolution not supported!, 2


	 InputBox, House_Key, %Title%, `n         Input design shortcut.,,230,170,,,,300,0
	 if ErrorLevel
	 MouseMove, 800, 65
	 Sleep 1000
	 Send {%House_Key%}
	 MsgBox, 64, %Title%, You have 15 seconds to position`n`n    0& rotate your structure., 2
     Sleep 15000
	 MouseGetPos, xclick, yclick
     MouseClick, left, %xclick%, %yclick%,30, 50
	 MsgBox, 64, %Title%, Mouse Position Aquired!`n`nDo NOT move or change`n`nthe camera position!, 2      
	 InputBox, Demo_Time, %Title%, What is the Demolition time?`n`n24 Hour Format:(hhmm),,230,170,,,,300,%DefTimeToStart_1%
     if ErrorLevel


SetTimer, Chronos, 500


     FormatTime, TimeToStart,,HHmm
     If TimeToStart >= %Demo_Time%
		 StartTime := A_TickCount
		 Send {%House_Key%}
		 Sleep 100
		 Goto Grabber                
		 Gosub, MouseAfk		 

		 EndTime := A_TickCount
		 GrabberRunTime := Ceil((EndTime - StartTime)/1000)	
		 if GrabberRunTime >= %Run_Seconds%		
		 PixelSearch, xbuild_find, ybuild_find, %xbuild_box_1%, %ybuild_box_1%, %xbuild_box_2%, %ybuild_box_2%, %colorID%, 5, Fast
		     if ErrorLevel   
			     MouseClick, left, %xclick%, %yclick%, 10
				     Loop 20
				         MouseClick, left, %xbuild%, %ybuild%
                         Sleep 150
		 Gosub, DisconnectCheck
		 Random, Afk_Timer2, 1000, 5000		
		 WinActivate - ArcheAge 	  
         MouseClick, left, 40, 65
   	     Sleep %Afk_Timer2%
         MouseClick, left, 240, 65
   	     Sleep %Afk_Timer2% 


     If resolution_type = 1 
	     xdisconnect_box_1 = 800
	     ydisconnect_box_1 = 564
	     xdisconnect_box_2 = 880
	     ydisconnect_box_2 = 589
	     xdisconnect = 841
	     ydisconnect = 576
     If resolution_type = 2 
	     xdisconnect_box_1 = 789
	     ydisconnect_box_1 = 477
	     xdisconnect_box_2 = 1134
	     ydisconnect_box_2 = 629
	     xdisconnect = 961
	     ydisconnect = 593
     WinActivate - ArcheAge 
	 PixelSearch, xdisconnect_find, ydisconnect_find, %xdisconnect_box_1%, %ydisconnect_box_1%, %xdisconnect_box_2%, %ydisconnect_box_2%, %colorID%, 5, Fast
		     if ErrorLevel   			     
				     Loop 5
				     IfWinExist - ArcheAge
						 Sleep 150
				         MouseClick, left, %xdisconnect%, %ydisconnect%
                         Sleep 150	             
						 Goto Text		      

^!a::    ; this is just helped me find the correct position and color  for seeking/clicking

     WinActivate - ArcheAge
	 MouseGetPos, xtest, ytest
     PixelGetColor, color, %xtest%, %ytest%, slow	 
	 MsgBox The resolution of the primary monitor is %A_ScreenWidth% x %A_ScreenHeight%`n`nThe Cursor is at X: %xtest% Y: %ytest% with a color of: %color%

^!p::Pause, Toggle     
	 Send ^!p


; this is where I had the script email/text me if the the game got disconnected




Re: Archeage

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:55 am
by littleguykoyo
Hey viper, been a while since any type of update for this. How are things coming along? Or did you abandon this project?


Re: Archeage

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:28 am
by se7enthsin
Very nice code.

I'm glad that your continuing to help our fellow members with archeage.

Hopefully Viper will develop a bot for archeage.
It's a hard project though, seeing as there are a lot of things to do in archeage and mmoviper has always focused on mob grinding.

Re: Archeage

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:36 am
by zoekwon
any idea when this bot will be release?
been waiting while now...

Re: Archeage

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:19 am
by reddie
id be happy with just mob grinding at this point.

Re: Archeage

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:12 am
by se7enthsin
It would be cool if Guru members could privately beta test new/possible releases.

Re: Archeage

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:24 am
by se7enthsin
Would you consider about allowing active Guru's to test anything that you might be secretly working on?

I'd like to do some beta testing.