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To create a new patrol, from the main screen, click the "Start Viper" button, and it will take you to the Bot controls window.

The bot controls window automatically opens up with the "Load Patrol" window displayed. You will need to click the white drop down box in the upper left corner and select "New Patrol".
Selecting "New Patrol" opens up a new window for you to name your new patrol. Enter a name and click the "Create" button.

Once the new patrol is named, you will be taken to a new screen where we will start putting in the waypoints that will make up the path the Bot will walk. Now click on the "Auto Add" button to start making new waypoints.

You can tell when you are successfully adding new waypoints, because you will hear a "Ding" noise as well as seeing the "Auto Add" button changing to "Stop" and it will also change colors, as long as you are adding new points.

One thing to note here is you must end your waypoints near your first waypoint ( make a complete circle) because when the Bot reaches the last waypoint, he will go directly back to the first waypoint to start the path all over again. When you are satisfied with the path, click the green "Stop" button to stop adding new waypoints. The button will then revert back to "Auto Add". Then click next and you will be taken to the "Patrol Options" screen.

Here you will see several tabs that you can click to change different aspects of the patrol to suit you best. The first tab will will change is the "Exp to Gain" tab, so go ahead and click it.

Now you can see the "Exp to Gain" tab and you want to enter in the amount of experience you want to gain before the Bot will stop the patrol. In this example I entered "99000". When you are done, click the "Time/Range to Kill" tab.

Here you can set the maximum range away from the path, that the Bot will look for mobs to kill. In this example I have set it to 20, which is a good number to start with. If you have a wide open space you might go with a higher number, or lower in a more confined space.

When you are done, click the "Enter Items/Mob" tab.

Here is where you will enter all the names of mobs you want to kill along your patrol path. To add a mob click the "Add" button. It will open a new window.

Enter the name exactly as you see it in game in the space provided. In this example I am going to enter "Blackwold", and for my quest I need to kill 6 of them so I will enter that next to "# to Find/Kill". If you want to kill an unlimited number of Blackwolds or any mob, simply leave the "# to Find/Kill" at "0". Then click "Ok". You can also enter the names of items you want to find, as in "Sally's Chain", etc. You can repeat the process and keep entering as many names as you like.

After you click the "Ok" button you will see the name you entered displayed, as well as the number you want to kill/find. (Remember that "0" represents and unlimited number).

When you are done entering names, click on the "Save & Exit" tab.

Then click the "Save/Finish" button to save your work, and your done.