MMOViper ViperBot Update Required

You are running a old version of ViperBot, or the bot has broken and needs a patch.

We try to get patches out within 24 hours. Feel free to let us know something is amiss via the forums.
Otherwise, please head to the downloads and grab the update (if its ready) from DOWNLOAD AREA
If the download is not available yet, visit the forums for details on when the patch will be ready.

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
February 4, 2024 MMOViperBot Version

- Tweak: Core updated to 2.3.4.x
- Bugfix: Working with latest patch

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
January 10, 2024 MMOViperBot Version

Lord of the Rings (LOTRO) Bot:
- Bugfix: Working with latest patch

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
December 20, 2023 MMOViperBot Version

Everquest 2 (EQ2) Bot:
- Bugfix: Working with latest patch

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
December 11, 2023 MMOViperBot Version

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Bot:
- Added: Scripting APIs:
    IClassGauges : IMachinist
    IClassGauges : IBard
    IClassGauges : IRedMage
    public interface IMachinist
        int Heat { get; }
        int Battery { get; }
        float OverheatRemaining { get; }
        float SummonRemaining {get;}
    public interface IBard
        int Repertoire { get; }
        ClassGauges.Bard.ActiveSong { get; }
        ClassGauges.Bard.Coda ActiveCoda { get; }
        int SoulVoice {get;}
        float Timer {get;}
    public interface IRedMage
        int WhiteMana { get; }
        int BlackMana { get; }
- Added: Scripting Enums:
    public class ClassGauges
        public class Bard
            public enum BardSong

            public enum Coda
                None = 0,
                MagesBallad = 1,
                ArmysPaeon = 2,
                WanderersMinuet = 4,
                All = 7

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
November 30, 2023 MMOViperBot Version

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Bot:
- Bugfix: Fixed corrupting profiles

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
November 30, 2023 MMOViperBot Version

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Bot:
- Bugfix: Fixed rare crash bug
- Tweak: Changed scripting enum Status to remove Casting and replace with Fighting (casting added below)
- Added: Scripting Struct: Point3f for use with below.
- Added: Scripting APIs:
    IClassGauges IPlayer.ClassGauges { get; }
    ISpellCastInfo IMob.SpellCastInfo { get; }
    public interface ISpellCastInfo
        uint ID { get; }
        string Name { get; }
        UInt64 TargetID { get; }
        float RemainingCastTime { get; }
        Point3f CastLocation { get; }
        bool Interruptible { get; }
    public interface IClassGauges
        ISamurai Samurai { get; }
        ISummoner Summoner { get; }
    public interface ISummoner
        int TranceTimer { get; }
        int PetTimer { get; }
        int ElementalAttunement { get; }
        int Aetherflow { get; }
        ClassGauges.Summoner.PetFlags ActivePet { get; }
        ClassGauges.Summoner.PetFlags AvailablePets { get; }
    public interface ISamurai
        int Kenki { get; }
        int Meditation { get; }
        ClassGauges.Samurai.Iaijutsu Sen { get; }
- Added: Scripting Enums:
    public class ClassGauges
        public class Samurai
            public enum Iaijutsu
                Setsu = 1,
                Getsu = 2,
                Ka = 4
        public class Summoner
            public enum PetFlags
                None = 0,
                Phoenix = 1,
                Ifrit = 2,
                Titan = 4,
                Garuda = 8,
                Bahamut = 16,
========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
November 17, 2023 MMOViperBot Version

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Bot:
- Bugfix: Fixed crash bug

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
October 10, 2023 MMOViperBot Version

All Bots:
- Bugfix: Bugfix: Fixed a crash bug when communicating with the server
- Bugfix: Fixed a campaign export bug when using custom tasks

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
September 26, 2023 MMOViperBot Version

All Bots:
- Tweak: Initialization slightly faster

Tree of Savior (TOS) Bot:
- Bugfix: Fixed broken offsets

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
September 18, 2023 MMOViperBot Version
All Bots:
- Tweak: Tweaked the scripting API Type Phrase task. It should now work in the background for games that support it.
- Added: Scripting API: IInput:PastePhrase - Phrase is copied to clipbard and pasted into game
- Added: Scripting API: IWIndowManager:SendCommand(window name, params)
- Bugfix: Fixed a crash bug when closing the secondary window

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Bot:
- Tweak: Modified how collectables work when harvesting. It will now use the collectable keys before harvesting if set.
- Added: Scriptin API: IPlayer.isCrafting - Returns true if player is actively crafting
- Tweak: Collecting counter upped, to allow for higher level nodes
- Bugfix: Teleport broke in .4, so uploaded 4a to fix.

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
September 11, 2023 MMOViperBot Version
All Bots:
- Bugfix: Scripting API: OnPulse could sometimes be called before the plugin was fully initialized
- Bugfix: Scripting API: HighResTimer fixed setting time +/- correctly. (was only setting 10%)

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Bot:
- Tweak: Harvesting and Gathering now suppport Collecting for non collectable items. It will use these keys for buffs before harvesting if set.

Final Fantasy XI (FF11) Bot:
- Bugfix: Updated security key.
- Tweak: Core updated to 2.3.3.x

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
August 2, 2023 MMOViperBot Version

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Bot:
- Bugfix: Scripting API:  IBuff.UseItem working again
- Bugfix: Scripting API: IHotkey.PressKey working for items again
- Tweak: Scripting API: IInput.SetKeyDelay now returns the current delay

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
August 1, 2023 MMOViperBot Version

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Bot:
- Added: Scripting API:  IPlayer.isMounted { get; }, IPlayer.isFlying { get; }, IPlayer.isSwimming { get; }, IPlayer.isUnderwater { get; }
- Added: Scripting API: IBuff.TimeLeft {get;} - Returns time left in seconds as a float
- Added: Intrenal support for in game windows for future expansion

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
June 22 2023 MMOViperBot Version

Lord of the Rings (LOTRO) Bot:
- Bugfix: Fixed position instability
- Added: Fishing Task (very basic) - Head to fishing spot, add task Fish, run profit.

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
May 25 2023 MMOViperBot Version

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Bot:
- Bugfix: Fixed broken offsets

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
Apr 28 2023 MMOViperBot Version

EQ2 - Everquest 2 Bot:
- Bugfix: Fixed radar issue of no mobs showing up

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
April 27 2023 MMOViperBot Version

- Bugfix: Fixed adding targets via name

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes =========
Apr 18 2023 MMOViperBot Version

All Bots:
- Bugfix: Fixed possible crash on startup
- Added: Extra logging for crash errors
- Bugfix: Fixed UI issue causing some config setting to not save

Lord of the Rings (LOTRO) Bot:
- Bugfix: Fixed waypoint error when no waypoints are set
- Bugfix: Fixed navigation turning
- Bugfix: Fixed aggro warning when harvesting
- Tweak: If spell readiness cannot be found (some newer classes) will default to cooldown time
- BUG: There is still a bug in the backup tool option, do not use yet. It is not swapping harvesting tools.

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
April 6, 2023 MMOViperBot Version

Lord of the Rings (LOTRO) Bot:
- Upgrade: Now x64 bit!
- Added: Scripting API: IMob.GetHashEntry(id)
- Note: Got fishing working, I will release a plugin for this very soon.

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
March 17, 2023 MMOViperBot Version

 TOS Bot: 
- Bugfix: Working with latest TOS Update
- Bugfix: Targeting was not working as intended
- Tweak: Speed up mouse movement to instant

========= MMOViperBot Change Notes ========= 
March 13, 2023 MMOViperBot Version

All Bots:
- Tweak: Profile loading for speed
- Added: Scripting CS file feature //!CompilerOption:AddRef:YourDLL.dll
- Note: To use the new AddRef feature just add it to the top of your cs file to be compiled
- Note: For Example, if you wanted to use System.IO.Compression.dll to use the ZipFile class, just add the following to the top of your cs file
- Added: Scripting Project folders. All cs files in a plugin folder will be automatically added to a combined library. Good to split up your code into multiple files.
- Added: You can now buy plugins from the store and they will be added to the plugins tab and updated automatically. Visit

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) Bot:
- Added: Scripting API: IMob IGame.Chocobo {get;}
- Bugfix: Fixed Triple Triad Chaos Mode
- Bugfix: Task Select Yes/No now works with materia yes/no window
- Added: Advanced Fishing Plugin now on the Plugin store.